Majda Gama

Majda Gama is a Saudi-American poet based in Washington DC. Her poetry has appeared in Gargoyle, Beltway Poetry Quarterly, Beloit Poetry Journal, The Fairy Tale Review and is forthcoming from Hunger Mountain.


The Tracks of Birds


Waves break and scatter the birds tracking hash marks in Arabian Gulf sand. Water washes the shore, all is as before patient and clean. Car doors jar the reverie, a party moves in stages onto the beach: a dancing boy produces a rug; a singing girl, a thermos of tea. Across my horizon a veiled […]

Why My Coffee is Green

by | Art by

“Hail pounded / in mortar & pestle, / pale powdered beans / tempered / with the barest heat. // I sip this brew / because dates marry / the taste of cardamom / & life is as simple / as this taste, this place.”